City week : Valentine’s

As twilight bounced softly onto the pavement, an undeniable air of romance sets in – the soft glow of lights and people with lovely bouquets of roses hurrying towards their dates… UntitledUntitledUntitledUntitled
Have an enchanting valentine’s day, and may you be loved wheverver you are.

Source :1/2/3/4

City weekend : What’s in your bag

With a new year comes a time of new beginnings, relationships are forged and unexpected discoveries aplenty. While these are pleasant surprises, its heartening to know that I have everything I need tucked safely in my bag. Afterall, you never know where that serenpitous meeting may lead you…UntitledUntitledUntitled Continue reading

City week: Catching the last of the January sun

It has been a lovely month with clear sky and the occasional new blooms – the perfect time to be in a secret hideaway far from the city’s busy life. rooftop loungeEnjoying the frosty air and the unrestrained beauty all around until the moment comes when with a start of delighted surprise we realize that the day has begun to lengthen…

Have a marvelous midweek. May flowers be on your pathway and the sunshine bright around you.

Source: 1

City Weekend: DIY leather care

With a frenetic travelling schedule, the plight of my cream cervo leather bag was not discovered until it was too late… While the best course of action is to entrust the restoration to the professionals, it is great to know that I can do my part to keep my leather accessories in their pristine conditions while on the go. UntitledUntitledSome helpful and lightweight items that can be carried in the bag –
Apple garde rain and stain repellant
Coach leather cleaner
Collonil leather gel
Wilsons leather lotion


Have a beautiful week and may be the wind be always at your back.

Source: 1/2/3/4